Deka Insight is proud to host the WIN Global Conference in Bali


Deka Insight Presents Masyarakat Indonesia dan Uangnya Report


Your professional partner in achieving your business objectives

About Deka Insight

What Makes Us Different

As a leading independent market research agency in Indonesia, we have deep knowledge and understanding of the culture and behaviour of Indonesian consumers and also international experience which is a combination of decades of experience from multinational clients and reliable staff experience. We have a strong field force under the supervision of Quality Control through a coordination system and a strict sampling system.

We cover urban and rural areas with 5 branches and 20 representative offices across Indonesia. We apply the latest technology to research projects, analytical tools, data management, and business intelligence systems.

Insight, Analytics and Advisory


Research & Insight

Provides assistance and valuable insight for clients…


Strategic Advisory & Transformation

Guides companies in the area of data management metrics,…


Analytics & Machine Learning

Delivers customized and advanced marketing analytics…


Deka Online

Helps you make the right decision through advanced…

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Our Industry

FMCG & Pharmaceutical
FMCG & Pharmaceutical
Insurance & Financial Services
Insurance & Financial Services
Agency & Media
Agency & Media
Other Businesses
Other Businesses

What Clients Say?

Kami percaya track record yang panjang dan bagus dari Deka Research. Itulah yang menjadi pertimbangan untuk kami memilih Deka sebagai official research comp untuk brand kami. Sukses terus untuk Deka

Yefta Bramiana BFI Finance.

Insight yg diberikan cukup baik dan untuk follow up pun bisa dilakukan dalam waktu yg relative cepat. Secara timeline, DEKA bisa memberikan timeline yg relative lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan vendor lain. Harga paling kompetitif diantara vendor yg lain.

Mario Ferdinand Alfamart.

Deka membantu kami dalam melakukan riset guna mendukung proses pengambilan keputusan yang berkualitas. Semoga makin profesional dan inovatif

Haydin Haritzon LPS

Senang sekali bisa kerjasama dg Deka yang sudah terjalin lama sebagai brand research kami yang terpercaya. Teamnya kompeten dan sangat insightful, cooperative responnya juga cepat. Sukses terus buat Deka jadi research agency yang siap untuk bertransformasi terus.

Yustina Mayora